Thursday, 21 March 2019

These two are not the same. | World Down Syndrome Day 2019

Mismatched socks are ok. 

Total inclusion is better.

Lack of a battle to help your child live his best life, lack of societal disregard to a person's humanity.

Medical professionals ceasing to say things like "I'm sorry" and writing things like "Problems: Down's syndrome" at the top of every report.

I have a son. I have a problem. These two are not the same.

Today is World Down Syndrome Day for everyone. In our house it's every day.

Socks are fine but they don't stop science trying to eradicate my son's community. They don't prevent people from making foolish assumptions and slapping on labels. Head tilts and low expectations. Only real life knowledge does that.

Socks are great.
My son is greater.

The world can be as aware of Down syndrome as it likes. But it is high time the world stops trying to eradicate it and pays more attention to welcoming people to life. To learning what the realities in that life are.

Our life can be difficult. But it really has little to do with Down syndrome.

Today I celebrate my son. I advocate for my son. I try to educate people about my son. But I do that every day.

Today is for all of you to do the same.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day.

#wdsd2019 #Team21 #downsyndrome

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